Things Happen in Every Meeting Funny

Meetings create a lot of waste in companies.

Employees spend 31 hours in unproductive meetings every month.

They consider 67% of meetings as failures.

What is a better way to connect and relate to each other than reflecting on our shared love (irony) for pointless meetings with the following funny meeting memes?

I am sure you can find a meeting meme fitting your current situation.

The following list of memes sums up how we all feel about meetings.

1) When the meeting just drags on

Some meetings just drag on and on. I like this meeting meme because it perfectly shows how we often feel about meetings.

When the meeting just drags on

Taking part in ineffective meetings is not just a waste of time, it can hurt your body.

2) When the meeting has way too many participants

When setting up meetings, the people you invite are as important as what you need to get done.

Including too many or too few people can be a waste of time for everyone involved.

When the meeting has way too many participants

With too many meeting attendees, you may have trouble focusing everyone's time and attention and accomplishing the meeting goals.

With too few, you might not have the right decision-makers or information providers in the meeting.

3) When there are no meeting notes

If no one remembers what you talked about in a meeting, did you have a productive meeting?

We've all been there.

When there are no meeting notes

This is why you should have a record of decisions and important discussions in the form of meeting notes for all your meetings.

4) When there is no meeting agenda

If you skip creating an agenda, your meetings can quickly go off track, get hijacked by a random topic, or include people who shouldn't be attending.

When there is no meeting agenda

5) When you have meetings to review your existing meetings

A good sign that you have too many meetings is when you invite for a meeting to discuss the number of meetings. 😂

When you have meetings to review your existing meetings

6) When you cannot be productive and have meetings at the same time

We all have our experience with boring, unproductive meetings that do not add much value but take away the time and energy of the participants.

When you cannot be productive and have meetings at the same time

As Jason Fried (CEO, Basecamp) summarized it:

Meetings aren't work. Meetings are places to go and talk about work that you're supposed to be doing later.

7) When meetings take place on Monday mornings

Monday mornings are the worst time to schedule meetings.

When meetings take place on Monday mornings

Lynn Taylor, author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant", argues that employees are the most productive on Monday mornings.

She says:

Because you've stepped away for a couple of days, these back-to-work mornings are the most memorable for the rest of the week.

On top of that, employees also tend to be out of the office on Mondays. Meetings scheduled that day will probably have a lot of no-shows.

8) When you have too many meetings on the same day

I am sure, you will have stories about pointless meetings without agendas, or recurring meetings that feel like unnecessary time sucks.

When you have too many meetings on the same day

It does not have to be this way.

There are many strategies and ideas for teams with too many meetings.

Additionally, the flexibility of asynchronous communication can help us reclaim our time.

Just imagine just watching the highlights of a meeting recording instead of attending the whole meeting. 🚀

9) When you ask for meeting notes

You know you lost when even the meeting organizer becomes sarcastic about meeting notes. 😅

When you ask for meeting notes

10) When you add even more meetings to your calendar

This is one of my favorite memes as I am also a huge fan of the Interstellar movie.

When you add even more meetings to your calendar

Every meeting series can be seen as a form of culturax tax. When you do not make sure to invest the time wisely in all those sessions, you will lose a lot of time forever…

11) When meetings confuse you

This happens when you are sucked up in meetings and in the end, do not know anymore what to work on.

Maybe you have too many action items, unclear priorities or even contradicting tasks.

When meetings confuse you

12) When the meeting could have been an email

This is classical.

I am sure, this happened to you as well. You find yourself in a meeting asking „Why do we even have a meeting for it? This could have been a simple email!"

When the meeting could have been an email

13) When you are the first to join a meeting

Too early to a meeting? Or have the wrong meeting link?

We've all been there.

When you are the first to join a meeting

14) When the meeting is not ending

If you constantly watch the clock and count down the minutes, you know the meeting is a huge waste of your time and energy.

In many companies, it is seen as impolite to leave the meeting but isn't it the best thing to do to use the time effectively?

When the meeting is not ending

15) When there is no meeting agenda for your workshop

Full-Day workshop and no agenda? Oh god, good luck…

Full-Day workshop and no agenda? Oh god, good luck...

16) When you suffer from zoom fatigue

I like this Zoom meeting meme so much. 😂

Zoom fatigue is a feeling of mental fatigue and exhaustion caused by video conferencing and I am sure you also suffered from it.

When you suffer from zoom fatigue

17) When the host drops out

I find this meme funny and scary at the same time.

Funny as it happens all the time that someone drops out and I become the host. Scary because of the face of the man on the meme. 😅

When the host drops out

18) When you accidentally share the wrong screen

Argh. That's a tough one.

I am sure you also have information on your computer that you might not want others to see.

For example, some personal data that other team members should not see (performance reviews, feedback from others, etc).

When you accidentally share the wrong screen

19) When you cannot „just" reduce the number of meetings

It's often not simple to reduce the number of meetings without risking business outcomes.

Many companies do not have an asynchronous culture in place. If you want to reduce the meetings there, you need to start with the culture and the mindset.

When you cannot „just

20) When you do not have much time left before a meeting to finish your tasks

This happens oftentimes when your calendar is fragmented and you need to fit in some tasks between meetings.

To avoid having too many meetings and more focus time you need to make sure your meetings are not scattered around the whole day/week.

When you do not have much time left before a meeting to finish your tasks

21) When a short call makes you suspicious

Some short calls with no agenda can make you suspicious?

Short meetings are often more effective than longer ones. But they should have an agenda and a goal anyway. 😉

When a short call makes you suspicious

22) When there are meetings all over the place

People feel overwhelmed by meetings. No wonder, on average, they spend nearly 23 hours a week in them, up from less than 10 hours in the 1960s.

Much has been written about the problem of having too many meetings, and there are many strategies on how to tackle it:

Establish a clear agenda, only invite needed people, keep it short, have a clear meeting goal, etc.

Yet a change of such scope is rarely considered.

When there are meetings all over the place

23) When others try to fit more meetings into your calendar

If you don't control your schedule, it will control you.

Others will send you meeting invitations to times that might not work for you or that might not necessarily require your attendance.

This is why you need to use time blocking techniques to take back control of your workday.

When others try to fit more meetings into your calendar

24) When employees ask for meeting-free Thursdays

Having meeting-free days is not helping much if you squeeze the meeting into the other days.

But they can help to reduce the fragmentation of calendars which causes a lot of unnecessary context switching.

When employees ask for meeting-free Thursdays

25) When a question by a coworker prolongs the meeting

The meeting nearly is over, you want to go back to get something done and… Your colleague asks another question dragging the meeting for additional 15 minutes.

Stick to your agenda and stick to the timebox. If the meeting is over, try to quit it and discuss the rest asynchronously.

When a question by a coworker prolongs the meeting

26) When workshops hinder you to be productive

Meetings and workshops are necessary to align on goals, the process, and much more.

They can not only be energy-draining but also hinder you to work on what matters.

When workshops hinder you to be productive

Customers will not become happier when you do a lot of workshops. They will only become happy if the product or service they are getting brings value.

Invest your time in what brings value.

27) When there are meetings on the meeting-free day

If people organize meetings on meeting-free days, it's a strong sign that you have way too many meetings.

When there are meetings on the meeting-free day

28) When you unmute yourself just to say „ok"

I am sure you can relate to this. Silent for quite a while and then unmute yourself to just say „OK". 😅

When you unmute yourself just to say „ok

29) When you have to decide between more meetings and more workshops

This happens when you are not sure whether a short meeting with a small group will be enough or you need a full-fledged workshop with many participants.

When you have to decide between more meetings and more workshops

30) When you cannot facilitate the meeting as you are not part of it

I know, this is a meeting meme.

But it's so true. Happened to me. 😅

I was asked why I did not facilitate a meeting I was not even part of.

When you cannot facilitate the meeting as you are not part of it

31) When you could just invite the needed people but go for the big workshop

It's so easy to invite more people that are not needed. Although those invitees could simply reject the session, there is peer pressure kicking in.

If half of the department is invited it has to be important.

It rarely is.

When you could just invite the needed people but go for the big workshop

32) When you are invited to a 7 am meeting

Yes, I have been there. Another anecdote.

A high-level executive invited me once to a series of 7 am meetings.

When you are invited to a 7 am meeting

33) When there is no meeting agenda

Having no meetings certainly drops the collective intelligence by all participants by 10 IQ points.

I do not have scientific resources for this, but I saw this several times. 😅

When there is no meeting agenda

34) When you calculate the cost for the workshop

Did you ever just calculate the money your team lost by doing an unnecessary meeting?

Just estimate some average salary for your industry/niche and multiply it by the number of attendees.

I am sure you will be shocked.

When you calculate the cost for the workshop

35) When you wished you would have more time for your meeting

Another one for the Interstellar fans.

When you wished you would have more time for your meeting

36) When you need a meeting to discuss other meetings

A good sign you have too many meetings.

Start by not having more meetings. Decide things asynchronously.

When you need a meeting to discuss other meetings

37) When some things never change

Here is a Zoom meeting meme.

Do you think they had Zoom fatigue 2000 years ago?

When some things never change

38) When your coworkers love to be in meetings

It starts with the culture.

If the people around you like the meeting number and the processes you have in your team, they will not like to change it.

This boardroom meeting meme perfectly summarizes how important the whole mindset towards meetings is.

When your coworkers love to be in meetings

39) When you had too many meetings

Haha. 😂 No energy left at the end of the day? This meeting meme is for you!

When you had too many meetings

40) When you want to be productive but get more meetings

You know, it becomes crazy at work when you want to work on stuff but cannot because you get too many meeting invitations.

Well, I think you have to practice your „Say-No"-skills. 😛

When you want to be productive but get more meetings

41) When your day is full of meetings

„Just" 8 meetings?

Not sure, how your calendar looks but this is crazy if you are not a manager whose job it is to communicate with stakeholders, etc.

But I am sure behind the smiling face of this guy are lots of tears and cries. 😅

When your day is full of meetings

42) When you feel powerful because of a day without meetings

Did you ever have the feeling of power just because you had some time to get shit done and focus?

This is because of the so-called flow time.

When you feel powerful because of a day without meetings

43) When you recognize its better to have fewer people in the meeting

This is how it should be done. Have a bias towards smaller and shorter meetings.

In most cases, you just need a small number of people to drive decisions and can inform other stakeholders asynchronously.

When you recognize its better to have fewer people in the meeting

44) When all meetings happen on virtual calls

Well, if Covid taught workplaces one thing, it is that people can work in a remote setup.

If stuff happens nowadays, it happens on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.

When all meetings happen on virtual calls

You can end up in the same meeting fatigue using those tools.

Reduce the FOMO of attending meetings by uploading meeting highlights to Exploo and creating transparency around decisions made.

45) When a meeting got canceled

The moment when you realize that you will have more focus time. 💪🏼

When all meetings happen on virtual calls

46) When the meeting is prolonged with more agenda items

This often happens when you have time left and people have spontaneous ideas about what to discuss.

This is why you need a great meeting facilitator.

If people want to discuss other topics, make sure they discuss them afterward with all other people that are needed to drive decisions.

When the meeting is prolonged with more agenda items

47) When everybody is in meetings who is doing the work?

Good question.

Meetings most often do not create a direct product outcome, but usually are to align yourself to do the work afterward.

When everybody is in meetings who is doing the work?

So if everybody has meetings, who are creating value in your product?


48) When you don't reach the sprint goal because of too many meetings

I saw this quite often.

Managers complaining about missed sprint and quarterly goals. But at the same time, they create dozens of meetings for everybody to „align on stuff".

When you don't reach the sprint goal because of too many meetings

49) When the meeting is over but someone has „the last question"

Did you ever have this eye roll in your face (or in your imagination) when meetings are prolonged because of „one last question" or „one last comment"

When the meeting is over but someone has „the last question

50) When there is a software product that can help you reduce meetings

Guess what? There is a software product that helps you reduce meetings: Exploo.

When there is a software product that can help you reduce meetings

With Exploo you can share meeting recordings with co-workers and make sure that information is spread transparently.

No meeting FOMO and no need to attend all meetings anymore.

Just catch up on the relevant parts and highlights in the meeting recordings.

With Exploo you can replace some individual sessions

Did you like those meeting memes? Feel free to share them with co-workers and on social media. 🙌🏼

Feel Free to share our meeting memes


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